Who Will Love Me

Kaleen Marshall

Who Will Love Me
Editions:Paperback: $ 14.99
ISBN: 1733524606

Transitions are never easy. Especially if you are the caregiver of a child, teen, or adult with a disability. Who Will Love me invites you along on one women's journey of finding hope and joy through the process of becoming the unexpected caregiver of her sister with Down syndrome after the sudden death of their mother. Open your mind and heart and you will find yourself taking steps toward healing, embracing growth, and even discovering new possibilities as you surrender limitations for yourself, your family, and even your loved one with a disability.

Reviews: Eileen Ahrens on Amazon wrote:

Excellent book!

Elizabeth on Amazon wrote:

If you are struggling with the care of a disabled loved one, this book is for you. Kayleen Marshall's book excels at breaking down the obstacles to making a successful plan for the care of a disabled loved one. From her own personal experience of being left alone to sort out the immediate and long term care of her disabled sister, she navigates with her readers how she went from confusion to clarity and hope. She provides a practical step by step guide for making sure that your loved one's future is happy and secure. The book also contains thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter to assist in family discussions and decisionmaking.

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When the Petal is Broken

Bettie Damiani

No Image available
Editions:Paperback: $ 2.97
ISBN: 0912981253
Pages: 159
Reviews: Jeanne A. Chase on Amazon wrote:

Having attended one of Mrs. Damiani's Bible studies several years ago, I found her book to be a reflection of the sincerity of her life. It tells about her family and their reaction to tradgedy and heartbreak. With God's purposes at the forefront of their motivation, the Damiani family triumphed gloriously. I would recommend this book to everyone, especially young women who are searching for truth and meaning.

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WHEN DOWN IS UP: Life with a Down Syndrome son

Melba Wilkat 

Editions:Hardcover: $ 23.95
ISBN: 0595670792
Pages: 164
Paperback: $ 13.95
ISBN: 0595342280
Pages: 164

When Down is Up is the story of John Albert Wilkat, a courageous young man with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.


He never wanted people to see him as different, even though he did realize, to some extent, that he was. He always wanted to be accepted as “one of the crowd.” It was when people were talking about him saying, “John has Down Syndrome,” that he would always correct them saying, “I’m not Down Syndrome. I’m UP SYNDROME.” And “Up Syndrome” he was, in so very many ways.

From John you could learn that the world is a place of many different people. It is a world where sometimes things are not as they seem, a world where brother turns on brother, and a world where sometimes the smallest gesture can mean everything to another person.

John was a loving, giving, funny, joyful and, for the most part, happy person who was dealt a hand in life that most of us could never imagine. He made the very best of the situation, and John was truly an “UP SYNDROME” young man.

Author Melba Heim Wilkat shares the story of her son’s heartbreaking birth, the joys and trials of raising him, and the deafening silence as the door of his life closed.

Reviews: Fred on Amazon wrote:

I remember this young man as my sister Ronda Epstein was a fellow student at Seagul School in Fort Lauderdale. Both he and my sister, who passed in July 2017, dealt with a life that I for one would never have had the courage to cope with. They and others like them are real heroes. This book is truly beautiful, and makes me ashamed of myself for thinking I have any REAL problems in life. A must read.

Alicia on Goodreads wrote:

A touching story from a mothers point of view of her son with Down Syndrome....particularly touching for me because I have 3 students with this diagnosis. A very quick read.

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Welcome to Rob’s world: The story of Robert Magill

Diane Magill 

Welcome to Rob's world
Editions:Paperback: $ 14.99
Pages: 74
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Waising Miss Chloe: Removing The Fear Of Raising A Child With Down syndrome

Sue Dymond 

Waising Miss Chloe
Editions:Kindle: $ 0.99
Pages: 288

Waising Miss Chloe, is without a doubt today's best resource for parents and carers, of a child with a disability."

As a parent or carer, we want the best for children, no matter what the circumstance, but without the right tools, knowledge and support it can be bloody hard. Sue Dymond knows this all too well, she also knows that you cannot be an island, it takes support, and the right advice, if you can find it.

Faced with raising a child with Down syndrome, Sue has riden the rollercoaster of frustration and despair, trying to find the answers and the right people to talk to, and through it all she never cried defeat, instead standing strong through red tape and excuses to find the right solutions and support services.


"Waising Miss Chloe" is a book packed with ideas, resources and hope, so you can live a better life for you and your child. It removes the fear of raising a child with a disabiity, and also shares with you Sue's inspirational journey as she raised Miss Chloe Dymond.

This book is also a great resource for any caring professional, that wants the latest and most effective information at their fingertips.

Dont re-invent the wheel, bang your head against the same brick walls, or get caught up in red tape.

Purchase your copy today, and start living a better life for you, your family, and your child.

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Upside Down: How a Girl with Down Syndrome Changed a Man, a Family, and a Community

Marv Loucks

Upside Down
Editions:Kindle: $ 3.58Paperback: $ 3.58
ISBN: 1613141947
Pages: 90

ABOUT THE BOOK: In this life, you WILL experience adversity. Expect it. It is inevitable. But if you understand that struggles and difficulties are opportunities for personal growth, adversity will also be invaluable. Upside Down is a story about how God used a girl with Down syndrome to change a man, a family, a church, and a community. The birth of a child changes life for parents. The initial shock of hearing that their daughter was born with Down syndrome took that change to a different level for Marv and Kerri Loucks. It was a defining moment in their lives. Then, seventeen months after their daughter, Kyle, was born, they faced another major crisis. Kyle underwent surgery to correct a heart defect. The surgery was successful, but she contracted a virus that nearly took her life before her second birthday. That adversity was not the end, but the beginning of something better. Upside Down will encourage you to reflect more, reach higher, grow in your faith, love more unconditionally, give more freely, live more fully, and persevere more intently. It is about finishing the race. Do not get to the end of your life only to find regret. Finish strong. **** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marv Loucks is a businessman and writer. He is also a retired college basketball official and the founder of Vision 2020, a task force in his community, whose mission is the fight against illiteracy. He writes a daily blog, "With Regard to Life," which can be found at marvloucks.com. Marv lives in El Dorado, Kansas, with his wife, Kerri, and daughter, Kyle.

Reviews:tony hall on Amazon wrote:

I highly recommend Upside Down: How a girl with Down syndrome changed a man, a family, and a community. Not just for families that have a Down syndrome child, but for those that do not. It is an important story that I could tell you about, but I would not be able to do as good a job as author and father Marv Loucks has done in his powerful book about his daughter Kyle, his wife Kerri, and the many fantastic relatives, friends, and educators that help tell the amazing story of this inspirational young woman.

Amazon Customer on Amazon wrote:

Fabulous book! Highly recommend it to anyone!

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Up: A Love Letter to the Down Syndrome Community

Ashley Asti

Editions:Kindle: $ 9.99Paperback: $ 14.95
ISBN: 979-8673862384
Pages: 197

A nourishing little book that will touch your heart and lift you up. “I am blessed to call myself one of the lucky few,” Ashley writes, referring to those whose lives and families have been touched by Down syndrome. “I don’t have a sibling or a child or an aunt with Down syndrome…I’ve been brought into the Down syndrome community by friendship.” An unexpected friendship led Ashley into the Down syndrome community and into the world of a nonprofit serving families of new babies with Down syndrome. This has “moved me, changed me, helped me bloom,” Ashley writes. And, so, she has put together this book, this “love letter,” a collection of six stories that feature the lives of people with Down syndrome and those who love them. But these are not just Down syndrome stories. They are human stories, stories of life lived in different shades, with fullness, with heart, through tragedy and back up, again. Shared with love, may these stories leave you feeling nourished, connected, and a little more up.

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Up, Not Down Syndrome: Uplifting Lessons Learned from Raising a Son with Trisomy 21

Nancy M Schwartz

Up Not Down Syndrome
Editions:Kindle: $ 6.95Audiobook: $ 14.95Hardcover: $ 32.95
ISBN: 1615994637
Pages: 124
Paperback: $ 18.95
ISBN: 1615994629
Pages: 124

Up, Not Down Syndrome is a love letter and a map. Experience how it feels to think your life is over after having an unlovable baby. At first the loss seems impossible to overcome. Alex becomes the author’s greatest teacher. Love is stronger than fear. Everyone has gifts. The book consists of three parts: the story, the lessons Alex taught the writer and Alex’s perspective. Up, Not Down Syndrome is a promise to stay positive, no matter what: up, not down. Nancy’s journey gets to the core of what it is to be human:

  • Explore what it feels like to think life, as you know it, is over.
  • Discover the fierce love, joy and peace a baby diagnosed with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) brings.
  • Learn the lessons this child taught his mom.
  • Understand the gift this baby brings to our world.
  • Realize the depth of the love this family has for the child.
Reviews:Krazy4MJJ on Amazon wrote:

A beautiful story about Alex and all the lessons he teaches his Mother. Reading this book during the pandemic, I was even able to apply some of the lessons to myself and my outlook during tough times. Even though Alex is not yet able to speak, Nancy gives Alex a voice at the end of every chapter. You really can’t go wrong with this book.. it’s an uplifting story with valuable lessons for life.

Mrs. L on Amazon wrote:

What a candid, painful, yet beautiful recounting of the moments after her third son was born. The author’s honesty is so touching and unexpected. And I loved the lessons she learned from Alex, and how she has given a voice to Alex. What an amazing mother, with three incredible sons!

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Up Syndrome: It’s all about the attitude (Redefining Down Syndrome)

Megan Abner 

Up Syndrome
Pages: 98
Paperback: $ 9.50
ISBN: 0989123502
Pages: 98

In this autobiographical account of living with an extra chromosome, Megan Abner shares stories of her adventures in traveling (from Los Angeles to Graceland to New York City and in between), childhood encounters with bullies and heartache, the family that has loved and supported her since the day she was born, and how she has come to redefine "Down Syndrome" as "Up Syndrome." Megan's depiction of her journey of turning a "disability" into a "different ability" is funny, poignant and, above all, honest. Her story is an inspiration to not only a child with Up Syndrome, but to anyone who has experienced life's "ups" and "downs."

Reviews:Nigel F. on Amazon wrote:

Wonderfully written, honest and frank with more smiles than tears.

Deedee on Goodreads wrote:

This was interesting primarily because I know the young woman who wrote it as well as her mother. As you might expect from an author with Down Syndrome, the writing is simple and somewhat disjointed, but it's a charming story by an admirable young woman who is doing remarkably well despite her limitations.

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Unwanted: How a Mother Learned to Turn Shame, Grief, and Fear into Purpose, Passion, and Empowerment

Linda Smith

Editions:Paperback: $ 14.99
ISBN: 0999227602
Pages: 289
Audiobook: $ 17.46

Linda Smith grew up impoverished, neglected and abused, but knew a great destiny awaited. She had no idea her life would take the turns it would, or deliver her from fear and guilt to triumph and unconditional love. A high school dropout turned model actress, Smith married a popular Canadian entertainer and built a life together traveling across two countries while becoming entrenched in the Las Vegas celebrity community. Linda had achieved a pinnacle she never thought possible--and then it all came crashing down. When Linda gave birth to a Down syndrome baby, she was certain life as they knew it was over, but instead, their son Christopher became a catalyst that catapulted Linda onto even bigger stages. Behind the glitz and glamour of the Strip, she produced charity events and concerts for a cherished disability organization, learning the job of fundraiser among millionaires, mobsters, and city movers-and-shakers. She became one of the nation's most successful fundraisers, raising over half a billion dollars for disability causes, but her most cherished role was as a mother, seeing Chris exceed all expectations and become a force that changed not just her life, but their entire world.

Reviews:Foxy Vixen on Amazon wrote:

I am a Book Blogger and Linda's PR Manager approached me to read and review this book.

I don't even know where to begin and end with this review, I guess I will start out by saying that there should be a 10 star option, and this book would certainly get it.

Linda Smith grew up impoverished, neglected and abused, but knew a great destiny awaited. She had no idea her life would take the turns it would, or deliver her from fear and guilt to triumph and unconditional love.

I don't believe in rehashing all of the details of a book, but your mouth will hang open in awe from page 1 until you close the last page.
I guess the thing that struck me the most was the raw truth that she told thru-out the book. I can't imagine what it took to admit her many emotional errors as a newborn mother. She lays it out there for the world to judge her.
This book certainly tells you what it was like 'back in the day' for parents of a child with learning difficulties. I was around during that time, worked with children who dealt with learning difficulties, so I can attest to the truth she is telling. The shocking part was the illegal immigrant status part of this book. It certainly brings into light what is going on in today's news.

If you are looking for a book that tells you the truth like no other, the craziness of our laws and the crazy beliefs that normal people hold about people with intellectual disabilities. This is the bare all story of one lady's rough journey thru a multi-tiered nightmare with a definite not taking NO as an answer, than this book is for you.
The book takes place mostly in Las Vegas, Nevada. Linda gives the inside view of many famous people that all of us will recognize. We hear so much negative stories about the rich and famous, this did my heart good to know that probably 3/4 of what we hear are pretty much lies.

Sharron Grodzinsky on Goodreads wrote:

Linda’s journey with her beloved son, Christopher, is the amazing story of their journey from being unwanted in so many ways to becoming a shining light, not just for themselves but a beacon of hope for millions of others.

Presented as a very young mother with what some called a child who had no value, Linda turned that perception around to show the world all people have value. Christopher led the way for her with grace, joy and dignity few ever achieve.

It’s the story not just of one family but a community of people with Linda and Christopher leading the charge to change the face of people with disabilities and raise not only millions of dollars, but awareness of the good in everyone.

You may shed tears and laugh as you read her story, but you won’t forget what one woman, who found her life mission through the love of her son, accomplished accompanied by an army of friends and family.

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