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Q5: Adventures in the Mainstream

Q5) “A boy who has expressed such interest in tragedies and their human aftermath, like the Titanic, Mt. St. Helens’ eruption, the Johnstown Flood, and a few others, acted as if the horrible tragedy of the World Trade Center was

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Q4: Adventures in the Mainstream

Q4) “For some of the people around us, Ned’s formal graduation from high school was seen as a kind of self-esteem gimmick, a conspiracy between his parents and teacher to make him think he’s just as good as everybody else.

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Q3: Adventures in the Mainstream

Q3) “Ned didn’t need a car. Ned will never need a car, though I’m not sure he realizes that. When Ira turned sixteen and got his driver’s license, Ned talked a lot about how he could hardly wait until he

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Q2: Adventures in the Mainstream

Q2) In the first chapter, Palmer sets up the struggle he intends to show his readers: How parents of children who have Down syndrome think about the transition from child to adult. “Can a very verbal, very social young man

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Q1: Adventures in the Mainstream

Adventures in the Mainstream

Q1) In the Introduction, Palmer talks about a boy who has Down syndrome he used to see as a child. “I’ll never know what happened to him, whether by some miracle he found a life worth living. I can only

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