Q14) This led to a discussion of the United States Senate, which I compared to the passenger list of the MS Endeavour — old, wealthy, and white. Crystal said, “You noticed that too?” We are perhaps the only travelers to be aware that not a single guest on board is a person of color. There aren’t even any Asians. The Endeavour passenger list is 100 percent Caucasian. Were it not for the Filipino housekeeping and dining room staff, it would be an all-white boat. It means that in the terms funding organizations like to use, Ned is the only minority present who isn’t on the payroll.
In the general area of multiculturalism, some of our fellow guests are decidedly from a different era, or at least from a whole different part of America than I’m from. At dinner last night, a Southern gentleman was talking about Eleanor Roosevelt. He remarked offhand to the assembled, “They say she gave America two things: kudzu and niggers.” I can’t recall the last time I heard someone use that word in general conversation. Travel can be a broadening experience.” p. 35
This small section is shocking, but brings up the subject of the intersection between disability and race. What was your reaction? How would you have reacted if you were at that dinner?
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