They’ll Remember Our Son


Ginger K. Nelson

They'll Remember Our Son
Editions:Kindle: $ 2.99Paperback: $ 7.99
ISBN: 1544715781
Pages: 144

When our third child was diagnosed with Down syndrome, we cried. Thirty-four years later, we exult in his many accomplishments and in his personality and love.

This book is the biography of Danny. It tells the story of all the people whose lives he has touched. It begins with his most exciting competition in the demanding sport of gymnastics — the 1987 International Special Olympics. It continues with the first day of his life, the first year, then it chronicles various types of events such as his adventures wearing a tuxedo. In each chapter, the reader learns that Danny teaches us all what is really important — living life and accepting whatever it sends us in a way that makes people remember him. Throughout the book, you will learn why Danny is a genuine hero.

Reviews:Dan Thompson on Amazon wrote:

A very touching story of the life of Danny, who is born with Down Syndrome. Danny leads an amazing life, full of sports and people. Well worth the time to read.

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