The Stranger, the Voice and Norman


Logan Jones

The Stranger the Voice and Norman
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 1984590766
Pages: 358
Paperback: $ 20.17
ISBN: 1984590766
Pages: 358

Norman Cowell is very different compared to everyone else. He was born with Down syndrome, has a history of anxiety attacks, and his only friend in the world is a voice inside his head who mainly berates him for not believing in himself. He may be different, but he has also discovered something about himself that a lot of people struggle with in their lives: Norman knows his place in the world. He wants to join the police so he can make the world a better place for everyone—if only his obstacles weren’t so impossible to overcome. The police won’t accept him because of his Down syndrome. Norman’s uncle and guardian, Larry Cowell, is the superintendent at Sunbury Police Station, and even he doubts Norman’s capability of reaching this goal. When Larry ends up getting an invitation to stay at an old friend’s house for his wedding anniversary, he decides to bring Norman with him. On the first evening, Norman gets a break when he is confronted by the head servant of the mansion, Duncan Noble. Duncan’s son, Dennis, hasn’t been seen or heard from in a week, and Duncan thinks the family he works for, the Hendersons, has something to do with his disappearance. He wants Norman to investigate and find out the truth. Norman finally has a chance to prove he is capable of being a detective. However, with so many obstacles in his way—his insecurities getting the best of him, his lack of knowledge on how to actually work through an investigation, and his fear of bumping into Richard Henderson, his school bully—Norman may be in over his head, but he will try his best to find out the truth. He doesn’t know that a stranger isn’t too far behind, watching his every move.


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