Mary Haakenson Perry
This book tells the story of Jim Haakenson, an individual with Down syndrome, growing up in the midst of a large family in the small town of Anchor Point, Alaska. It is an inspiring, heartwarming story of Jim's life, and how he overcame prejudices and preconceptions about people with disabilities.
Lizze Miller on Goodreads wrote:Love to read stories of people who live a life of acceptance and conquering the life they been dealt. Also love any book about Alaska.
What a fun read. Particularly, the beginning. If you think you have a lot to do, then remember you are not a mom of 7, with one who has set backs, with a husband gone most of the time, in backwoods Alaska, in a single room cabin. Sure that wasn't the book's point, but still. Also what an encouragement to hold all of our children even the ones that doctors say "can't or won't" as able to love their siblings, enjoy the world and give their whole heart to God.
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