Yvonne Ammon

Vince was born on January 6th, 1973. He died on December 2nd, 1978. In his short life, he managed to teach us, his family and friends, about unconditional love and show us how God loves us all, all the time.
Maureen on Amazon wrote:Where do I begin? I'M a VINCIE POO was an incredible short but, so very profound read. In fact the 2nd time I read it in one evening. When I finished the book, I felt like I got to know Vincent, although I never had the honor of meeting him in person. I learned how a little boy in an all too short life, was able to teach his family and yes his friends about true, from the heart, unconditional love and how to show that love. That is something all too many of us never learn. I smiled, I laughed out loud, and yes, I cried while reading this book, because I felt Vincie Poo had become MY friend, one I didn't to lose, but now I get to carry him in my heart. I know I can turn to Vincie Poo anytime in the future and I will be able to feel his presence in my heart and he will help me thru difficult times.
Yvonne Ammon, thank you, for writing this beautiful book and sharing your Vincie Poo with the world, I'm so grateful.
What a heartfelt story of an amazing little boy and the deep love and struggles of Vincie’s Mother. By the time I finished reading this book I feel like I had known Vincie his short but beautiful life and know that I now love Vincie.
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