Patrick Johnston

Dr. Raymond Verity came back to life today.
Awakening from an optical-cerebral transplant into a clone body, Ray is amazed at how society changed in the 27 years he was cryo-preserved. Having pioneered cloning technology based on fetal tissue experiments, he has no qualms destroying imperfect samples. Until he meets his only granddaughter and falls in love with her despite her Down Syndrome.
When he discovers that Mary Nell is scheduled to be “replaced” by her genetically-perfect duplicate, Dr. Verity embarks on a desperate mission to atone for his past sins. Can he save both Mary Nell and her clone?
Body by Blood is a futuristic thriller which takes you on a heart-pounding journey and will call into question your core beliefs about life.
Daphne Self on Goodreads wrote:"Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so…” What does this childhood learned song have to do with this page turning Christian thriller? Find out. The rich Dr.Verity is the genius behind the science of using human clones to be implanted with the brains of the DNA donor to allow persons to live forever without disease or physical or mental “defects” or imperfections. He and his team have no scruples about killing imperfect persons.
Read this exciting and thought provoking suspense novel, which had me engrossed from the start. It will challenge your values and core beliefs concerning the various issues addressing human perfection, longevity, abortion, the science of cloning and what level and far-reaching measures should man take to live life without disease and defects . Does the end justify the means? Does man ignore God‘s Word and ethics and the government itself condones the same?
Not many books can pull from present day events, events that could have happened, events that did happen, and weave a tale that, even though it's futuristic, it is plausible with today's morals and scientific advancements.
The idea of transplanting ourselves into cloned bodies so that we can extend our lives has been a theme for many books and movies. Body by Blood takes it an extra step and adds a spiritual aspect to it. Each facet of humanity is explored and the horrifying details of what happens when men play god are written in such a way that it shows the depravity of humankind at its lowest; and yet, it also shows the love of humankind at its highest.
Body by Blood is a deeply thought-provoking story that will make you ponder just how important is immortality and just how important is the human soul.
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