Rachel Unklesbay

14 windows. 21 toilets. 3 car windshields. My brother spent his childhood perfecting the arts of breaking things, general misbehaving, and getting away with it.
My brother Andrew has Down Syndrome, Autism, and an inherited family tendency toward mischief. This is a collection of his stories.
Benjamin on Goodreads wrote:I found Applesauce on the Ceiling to be a down-to-earth, engaging, and enlightening collection of one big sister’s best stories about having a younger brother with Down syndrome. Rachel Unklesbay instantly befriends you with her colloquial voice and anecdotes, which mesh beautifully to create a fun and easy read about some very serious real-life challenges. Unklesbay is a gifted storyteller who uses her great sense of humor to somehow make a collection of seemingly simple stories move and educate the reader about circumstances that are unique to life with an exceptional family member. At the same time, the book demonstrates how we all may struggle in life in different ways but generally have the same opportunity for growth, love, and harmony within family relationships. Great book!
A collection of very funny anecdotes, this book had me laughing out loud. The storytelling is well done, weaving through the important facts to keep the humorous language and timing. You can definitely hear the author's voice come through.
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