Denny Youngblood

Only one person can save Laverne, Oklahoma from a sadistic prison escapee ... and this one person is also a killer, even though he is 12 years old. When the prisoner heads to Laverne to seek his own twisted brand of revenge, he meets Harrison. Harrison is challenged with Down's syndrome, yet he manages to get inside the prisoner's mind. When they finally meet face-to-face, the prisoner, Cellie, terrorizes the home folk like no other madman has. Harrison does his best to protect his family, but sometimes the enemy proves much stronger than he realizes. That is when Harrison comes to grips with the fact that his family will never be the same after encountering Cellie.
Susan on Amazon wrote:Denny Youngblood is a definite wordweaver. If you love a book that keeps you on the edge of your chair, An Angel Box is a must read for you. The intricate characters carry your emotions on a virtual roller coaster as you follow the paths each one takes. It's even more interesting that the hero is a youngster named Harrison, a victim of Downs Syndrome. Harrison sees the world through different eyes and literally stole my heart. Denny's malevolent villian, Cellie, is so masterful, he could easily have been created by Stephen King. Yet, there are fleeting moments when even Cellie surprised me. I am thrilled to know Mr. Youngblood promises us there's a sequel in the works. Excellent job for a debut novel. Don't wait to buy a copy!
This was a great read and really kept you captivated to the end. I can't wait for the sequel. I am looking forward to more reads from this author.
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