Rory Feek

Her story. His story. The love story of Joey and Rory.
By inviting so many into the final months of Joey’s life as she battled cancer, Joey and Rory Feek captured hearts around the world with how they handled the diagnosis; the inspiring, simple way they chose to live; and how they loved each other every step of the way. But there is far more to the story.
“My life is very ordinary,” says Rory. “On the surface, it is not very special. If you looked at it, day to day, it wouldn’t seem like much. But when you look at it in a bigger context—as part of a larger story—you start to see the magic that is on the pages of the book that is my life. And the more you look, the more you see. Or, at least, I do.”
In this vulnerable book, he takes us for the first time into his own challenging life story and what it was like growing up in rural America with little money and even less family stability.
This is the story of a man searching for meaning and security in a world that offered neither. And it’s the story of a man who finally gives it all to a power higher than himself and soon meets a young woman who will change his heart forever.
In This Life I Live, Rory Feek helps us not only to connect more fully to his and Joey’s story but also to our own journeys. He shows what can happen when we are fully open in life’s key moments, whether when meeting our life companion or tackling an unexpected tragedy. He also gives never-before-revealed details on their life together and what he calls “the long goodbye,” the blessing of being able to know that life is going to end and taking advantage of it. Rory shows how we are all actually there already and how we can learn to live that way every day.
A gifted man from nowhere and everywhere in search of something to believe in. A young woman from the Midwest with an angelic voice and deep roots that just needed a place to be planted. This is their story. Two hearts that found each other and touched millions of other hearts along the way.
Laura Rash on Goodreads wrote:My wife is the one who introduced me to the Rory+Joey story, keeping me updated on the couple's journey through marriage, stardom, parenthood, cancer, and an untimely death. We watched DVDs, listened to CDs, and rode the emotional rollercoaster. All along, though, I had that sneaking male suspicion that Rory was just too calm, too perfect, that we weren't getting the whole story. In fact, I was even hesitant to read this book after my wife finished it, afraid that it would be too simple and sweet. I wanted something deeper and more raw.
Thankfully, Rory does give us a deeper look into his past and his own journey. By doing so, he won me over, finding camaraderie with another man and husband who has made mistakes but is also committed to his wife, family, and God. Rory shares some of his own mistakes, doesn't make excuses, and shows grace and forgiveness for others in his life--such as his mother, his ex-wife (before Joey), and so on. I would've loved to hear more about his daughters, since they've clearly had a lot to deal with in this whole process too, but that's their own story to tell if and when they choose.
This Life I Live is an extraordinary story, and this couple's example is one that many have been encouraged and challenged by. I'm glad my wife brought me along for the ride, and Rory's honesty and candor only makes me more appreciative of God's working in our lives.
With short chapters this book just flowed. When it seemed like it was going to get too emotional it was the end of the chapter & a different part of the story began. One of the most raw stories I've ever read of faith & true love. Inspiring & beautiful.
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