Jolie Kanat
Reader Bird on Amazon wrote:I first read this book 8 years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. A friend with a daughter like mine loaned it to me. It really made a huge difference. While I was still raw and scared, this book showed me that my feelings were not unique. The author expressed most of my own fears and frustrations. She also wrote about triumphs and break throughs.
This book is written as a diary of Ms Kanat's experiences. She was as new to the situation as any of us. Everything she wrote of was either familiar or became so in my own journey with my daughter. I would recommend this book for any new parent entering this different place. Buy it as a gift for someone. They will be truly thankful.
I first read this book over 25 years ago, shortly after my daughter was born and diagnosed with Down syndrome. The experiences could have been my own and I often found myself crying, thinking, "wow, I'm not crazy! I'm not alone. These feelings I'm having are normal!" I loved the book so much I read it through twice, then gave a copy to my obstetrician and one to my pediatrician so they could know exactly how parents of special children feel, what they go through at the beginning,and during the first year or so, so that these doctors could be more empathetic to other parents in the future. My OB shared it with his wife, who said it was one of the best books she had ever read. I bought another copy, a year later,to loan out to new parents, as I was a parent advocate at the time (visited new parents whose child was diagnosed with Down syndrome). I was saddened when it went out of print, because I could no longer recommend it for new parents to buy (this was before internet). I'm so happy to see that it is available here and I HIGHLY recommend that you read it. It should be put back into publication. It's too good!!!!!!!
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