Vanishing Point 


Jeri Kroll

Vanishing Point
Editions:Paperback: $ 19.49
ISBN: 1922186589
Pages: 284

Vanishing Point is a crossover verse novel that poses the question of how individuals can learn to be comfortable in their own bodies. Nineteen-year-old Diana Warren suffers from anorexia and bulimia. She faces a challenging situation at home with dysfunctional parents and a Down-syndrome brother, which causes her to seek refuge in female role models in the mythic past. An Irish racehorse trainer who reignites her childhood love of horses causes her to question everything. Will she choose life or death? And what happens when that choice is taken out of her hands? 'This crossover poetry novel is written convincingly in the voice of a teenage girl with anorexia. As a narrative, it is page-turning, as a series of cameos and incidents it has a touching lyrical intimacy.' - Jan Owen 'Kroll experiments at the nexus of lyric and narrative, cumulatively taking a story forward while also offering the reader associative insight into the complex emotional life of a young woman.' - Rose Lucas, Australian Book Review


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