Anne Kelleher

Reading specialists, special education teachers and librarians agree that there are no other titles like this available. "How David Met Sarah," the first in a series of five books written for intellectually or developmentally disabled individuals, uses vocabulary appropriate for a third-grade reading level.
David is a young man who works in a mailroom and lives at home with his parents. When a young woman named Sarah moves to his neighborhood and begins to attend his church, David believes she’s the girl of his dreams. First, however, he has to figure out to meet her.
David’s carefully structured world seems to contain all sorts of roadblocks, but David is determined to get to know the girl with the long red hair. Through a series of adventures (and a few misadventures) that illustrate the challenges and rewards of life as a differently-abled person, David indeed gets his wish at the end of this first installment in the series: David and Sarah are well on their way to becoming good friends.
What readers are saying about this book:
"When I first read 'How David met Sarah' I got goosebumps. I knew that Anne Kelleher had hit upon something powerful and important. She has used her craft as a writer to fill a niche where there has long been a void. She did so by writing a book containing an adult storyline at the appropriate ability level for the developmentally delayed.
Although the text is written at the third grade level, not once did I feel that the author was talking down to the reader or compromising the plot. The author has struck a delicate balance with this initial story. Readers will enjoy this book and anxiously await the next."
Joan A. Adamak on Amazon wrote:Annie Kelleher has given a gift to the world in her first of a series of very special stories. As the mother of a 20 year old born with Down syndrome, I know the challenge of finding engaging books for my son. There was a time he carried around a popular teenage book that was far beyond his ability to read because it made him "look like a big guy." While his reading level is elementary, Charlie's interests are more in keeping with his age peers. These wonderful books fill a deep need for people like my son. They are written by the author with heart and soul and a keen understanding of her intended audience. Thank you, Annie, for bringing hours of joy to countless deserving people.
This is a very sweet story about a departmentally delayed adult and although written as a novel is actually based on the author's brother, David, whose life provided a pattern for this story. This story is written at a third grade level to allow the reader to understand the mind of these lovely people when they become adults. In this instance, the family of David and or perhaps instructors (the author does not say) were able to provide a loving atmosphere for David, understood his needs, loved him totally and helped him get every ounce out of life that he can, even though he has a type of handicap. Amazingly, these individuals are extremely loving and thrive on love. They are also very sensitive to other people's moods, as she shows in her story.
Years ago these individuals were considered idiots or stupid or dummies. No one understood them and very little was done to help them find a place in society. Often they were hidden away from the public. The family in David's instance, obviously worked with him a great deal because he is so friendly and loves people; his routine is so fixed that everybody he meets knows him and he is a joy to them and they are a joy to him. He also is signed up for a special job in which he has a job coach who personally oversees him.
This story may not be for everyone, but for anyone who has a family member in this category, or is interested for their own personal reason, as to insight into the lives of these people, I recommend this book for it gives you a true and honest look at these loving individuals.
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