A Different Journey: A personal story that explores the profound challenges and joys of raising special children 


Beatrice Brusic

A Different Journey
Editions:Kindle: $ 3.99
Pages: 356
Paperback: $ 19.99
ISBN: 1466294531
Pages: 354

I have an exceptional daughter. I don’t like to call her “special, handicapped, different or the cruelest word yet, “retarded.” I like to call her exceptional because she is exceptional in each and every way. I have been asked many times, “What was it like being told you had a special daughter?” “What was your first feeling about it?” What is it like raising her now? “What are the challenges and difficulties you encounter with her every day?”
I hope “A Different Journey” is the answer to all those questions. I have tried to present the joys and sorrows of raising an exceptional child in an honest and forthright manner. I have not sugar-coated the experience nor do I think I have glorified it. I have no exaggerated nor dramatized the events. I have simply told my story. And if it helps someone raising an exceptional child, or any child for that matter, the effort and time I have dedicated to this book will be well spent.

Reviews:mls2000 on Amazon wrote:

I have really enjoyed reading this book. As I am a Special Ed bus driver with all kinds of disabled children. I have a special place in my heart for each one of them. Reading this book as really helped open my eyes and heart for Special People. The author really proved how someone can have a career and still have time for their special child. Even through the toughest times she made it through and never gave up. Thanks for the inspiration I have received from reading this book.

Judy on Goodreads wrote:

Like a soap opera. This was the author's memoir not really about her daughter Noelle. s he is referred to but more in passing as just one more of many trials and tribulations. I guess I was hoping to get more about the daughter as I continued to read. A disappointment.

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