“I suddenly have the overwhelming feeling that I need to protect my daughter. From what? Watercolor painting? This man/boy? This urge to run inside, grab Chloe’s hand, and take her home is irrational. It’s silly.” P. 30 Instincts can be…
“I suddenly have the overwhelming feeling that I need to protect my daughter. From what? Watercolor painting? This man/boy? This urge to run inside, grab Chloe’s hand, and take her home is irrational. It’s silly.” P. 30 Instincts can be…
“She said she was going to marry him…I push the thought aside. It’s beyond the realm of possibility.” P. 31 What do you think about Alicia’s first reaction to the idea of Chloe getting married? Is there something that your…
“Why am I not happier for her? I mean, I am happy for her, but …somehow my feelings are hurt.” p. 31 Alicia feels guilty for not being happier that Chloe has feelings for Thomas. Do you think she…
“Then he looked at me and I could see it plainly on his face. I shouldn’t have left my mentally handicapped daughter at home alone. I was responsible for this fire. I knew Chole couldn’t handle being left alone.” P.…
“I think I left Chloe [at home alone] partly because of the pressure I felt from the outside world. Randall, our family therapist, even the girl who checks us out at the grocery store, all thought I was being overprotective.”…
“Minnie Wellston is a registered nurse who, when she recognized the need for such a care facility for her Down syndrome son and couldn’t find one, opened one herself.” P.22 Adult services are often hard to find. What types…
“I look different than other girls. Not pretty like my mom.” “Thomas doesn’t’ have Down’s. He’s not a dummy head. He’s smart. Really smart.” P. 17 Chloe’s self-image seems to be diminished because of how she understands Down syndrome.…
“…different days,” Chloe tells me, sounding more like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man than I care to admit. But Raymond was autistic. Chloe is not.” P. 15 We start to get the feeling that Alicia feels some prejudice against…
“I don’t want to go to Chick Filly with Dad. He reads his paper when we eat. He doesn’t talk to me. He thinks I’m a dummy head.” P. 9 Chloe knows that her father treats her differently. If you…
**Do you think Randall loved his daughter? Why do you think he wasn’t more involved in her life? Was Alicia responsible for his lack of involvement? Do you think Randall’s relationship with Chloe would have been different had Chloe not…