On Jane’s Time


James Brennan

On Jane's Time
Editions:Paperback: $ 28.50
ISBN: 1591293146
Pages: 129

An amazing birth occurred in the spring of 1965. A Downs baby who would change the course of a family’s history. The unthinkable. A child forever. The young parents had to choose whether to bring her home from the hospital. That choice was sealed when their eyes bonded through the incubator window. They named her Jane. Advice from others – “Don’t bring her home...you’ll never let her go” – was ignored. The parents knew they had made a decision that only death would alter. They have in fact never let her go. Jane is a blessing and a burden. Most people stare or look right past her. But everyone who returns for a second look loves her. She personifies Purity. Innocence. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Helplessness. Spunk. Earnestness. Vulnerability. Toughness. Fragility. Everything about her is a mystery--except her eyes. Portals to her soul. Her incredible, still eyes speak to all who are open to unconditional love.


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